Monday, September 1, 2008

January Baby!

[!] for the bingo's and [x] for the not's.

Stubborn and hard-hearted. [!] sometimes cold-blooded as well =)
Ambitious. [X]
Serious. [!]
Loves to teach and be taught. [X] Not so?
Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. [!] Hehehe, I admit.
Likes to criticize. [!] xD Again, I'm honest! Watch out =X
Hardworking and productive. [!]
Smart, neat and organized. [!]
Sensitive and has deep thoughts. [!] But sometimes people just don't know.
Knows how to make others happy. [!]
Quiet unless excited or tensed. [!] Very, very true!
Rather reserved. [!]
Highly attentive. [!]
Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. [!] Now I know why I hardly get sick but freeze easily..
Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. [!]
Loves children. [X]
Loyal. [!]
Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. [!] Doubt the social abilities but the jealous part, yah true!
Very Stubborn and money cautious. [!] Stubborn yes, but money cautious? Depends =)

All of a sudden I have an urge to find out more about myself. Haha, boredom really changes a person =.=

So, I am really a typical January baby huh. xDD
Proud to be =)

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