Friday, August 8, 2008

Its a so-random. =)

Just when I look through my MSN contact list, I realised that there are so many people whom I used to be close, or perhaps VERY CLOSE with, but not anymore. Flashing back the memories and moments we had together, and looking at the recent me, I then realise how much I've been through, and how much I had grown up.

And you know what? I have a thought in my mind, a shouldn't-exist-at-all thought. Get rid of them, get them out of my life, and have nothing to do with them anymore. They did nothing wrong, but I just don't want to be related to them at all. Not even as a friend. Looking at their lame behaviour, I wonder how did I deal with them in the past? Or, was I part of them? Did I behave like them too? Awww, how stuuupid. Maybe they made me recall my used-to-be-lifeless life I had that I'm desperate to cut them off from my life and make them passer-by's. I'm escaping from the truth that I had been such a jerk at those times. Boo.

I'd always know that I am a cold- blooded person, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. Whoever gets on my nerve, that's it. Say byebye, and we will go on our own way. I'll draw a very clear line between us and make sure nobody crosses it. Not even a hi or bye anymore, I'll treat you invisible, or maybe a total stranger? No matter how close we were. A meanie, am I?

Yes, I am.

Some simple clicks and types, the unwanted names will never appear in my life again. Bye bye!

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