Saturday, May 10, 2008

History, history & history..

My mind is full of Yunani, Rom, India, China, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Chin Shih, Socrates ... e t c ...

What the heck.

Why must I study about those none-of-my-business topics? Why why why someone please tell me! I don't even bother what they did or what happened n years ago!! Eh people, we must always look forward okay? Stop reminding everyone about the past la! Especially when those stuff were like.. hello? Thousands or millions years ago? Whats the point repeating them again and again? If you expect me to APPRECIATE their effort, sorry la.. Its so not my style, and... I'm sure majority of the students feel the same way.

Sigh sigh sigh...
You freaking subject totally turned me down!!!!!!

This is exactly how I feel right now.
Pathetic huh?

Couldn't make myself finish the revision for sejarah.. Someone please help me!! The paper is on monday, I'm so SO out of time!

T ___________ T feel so helpless right now...

I seriously feel like giving up.

Can I ?

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