Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tagged by KSE & Jia Yang

Tagged by KSE & Jia Yang

1) Do you think you're hot ?
No? I'm honest =P

2) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3) Why do you like that picture ?

I can hardly snap a 'proper' photo with my dog -_- So yeah, this is precious xD

4) When was the last time you ate pizza ?
Yesterday xD

5) The last song you listen to ?
David Archuleta - Crush

6) What are you doing right now besides this?
Drinking water? =x

7) What name would you prefer besides yours ?
Urmmm? Don't know -.-

People to tag :
1. Amanda
2. Cecilia
3. Andrianna
4. Esther
5. Carissa

8) Who is number one ?
Dumdumnique, SUSHI freak~

9) Number three is having a relationship with ?
Hmmm, SUSPECTED to be.. some 'brother'? LOOOOL.

10) Say something about number five ?
Writer-to-be, walking dictionary, sound vibrator. KEKEKE.

11) How about number four ?
Super perasan school captain, hyper gilaaa~

12) Who is number two ?
Cecilia Cho Wei Ling the pink girl, pineapple-mango-and-salty-guava freak. XD

Finally done my tag -..- yay~

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