Friday, October 31, 2008


Woooooooooooooooooo, I had left my blog alone for soo long and finally I'm back! Yeayy!

ONE MORE SHOT AND WE ARE OFFICIALLY DONE! Yes that's for the final exam, HEHE. One more, just one more miserable objective paper and I'm free! I can't wait XD!

Exam reports? Let me summarise it. ALL of the science subjects had been screwed like shit, and I mean it. But who cares? I'm satisfied with my Add Maths. =) I LOVE ADD MATHS!

For these 2 days I really struggled like shit to study. Slept at 11+pm and woke up 3.30am to study for 2 days straight. That's soo OMGOSH! I don't think I've ever done that before. So yeah, terrible headache I'm having now. I need REST! (But I don't think studying this way worked cause I still screwed my papers. Damn, I feel like an idiot for torturing myself for nothing! )

Plans are popping out for activities after exam already, HEHE. Too bad I can't join tomorrow's trip T_T I want to watch High School Musical sooo badly!! >_<

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