Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I am here for a random post, ha ha.

Just to relax my full-of-add-maths-formulae-and-digits brain.

Bad Effects of EXAMS.

There are different reactions from different people when it comes to exam.

First, the exhausted.

Second, the exploded aka naik gila.

But either way might as well end up with this. =)See how bad exams are? Exam stress is said and proven to be one of the cause of the increasing commit suicide rate. So let's protest. BANNNNNNN THEEE EXAMMMMM!!! xDD

Lool, I know how lame I am.
Well, I guess I'm currently in the first stage, slowly transforming into the second stage, and might as well proceed to the LAST option. XD

Okok, back to add maths!

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