Sunday, June 8, 2008


Holidays are gone :(

Today is the last day I can slack around my house, face the computer 24/ 7, lying on bed pigly . . Yeah, because I'm going back to the boring-like-shit schoool. I do remember what my BM teacher assigned us to do, but I just so wanna ignore. Haha, I'll act innocent like most other people will do tomorrow and say, "HUH?! I forgot!" HAHAHA!

Cecilia said that she's going back to school and die, I'm agree! Because urh, we are getting back our mid- term papers? Okay okay. Click, stop on that. Don't think too much about it orelse I'll be em0 xD I just hate mondays, because its after the slacking sunday, and because we have freaking boring and dragging assemby on those days. Oh yea, not forgetting the LKK meetings which make me staying back up to 3.30pm. Now you and I know why I hate mondays!

I wish I could enjoy my last day of holiday and do something, yet I failed :0 All I did was sitting in front of the computer and staring at it blankly Today is a big celebration for some of the chinese out there, the dont-know-what-they-call-in-english 'duan wu' festival. But it feels like nothing for me. Duh, I'm not that traditional.

I was stuck at home for half of the day, so I don't care I'm going to pasar malam later. HAHA, pasar malam sounds pathetic I know. At least I can get out of my home. Boredom kills!

Random pics of my doggiesss x3
Baby despo for FOOD x3

I don't know what happened to her face = ="

Teety is always CUTE!

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