Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Naughty me x3

I'm sooo happy that I skipped school today.

Karaoke rocked! So far its the best karaoke session I've ever had, because I shouted and screamed all I want, and I shared mic with nobody since each of us was having one. Enjoyed it, finally get to hear my own voice from the speaker, lool.
Some advices on going for karaoke. Its always better to go in small group instead of a crowd so that each of you can have a mic. Because when you ask for extra mics obviously they won't give you 6 mics for a room! Unless you rob them for mics -.-
Then, if you are not starving, take drinks instead of food when you have a choice. Believe me, a glass of drink if definitely NOT enough especially when you scream your lungs out there.
For people who fear cold, bring sweater! Or you will end up freezing and trying to jump around for heat. (Like what I did today, urhhhhhh..)
Bring your student card always even if it expired. You will never know how helpful they are in cutting down some extra charges :) Mine worked perfectly today. For the first time, I appreciated my student card, HEHE!

Alright, continue with my own story. Then I made my sis brought me to Connaught pasar malam. I love to go there, don't ask me why cause I do not know xD Simply like the feeling of pasar malams :] Surprisingly we took only around 30mins for the whole big bunch of stalls there? How incredible, I always take around 1 to 2hours just to walk from one end to another, but today urh, different story.

I'm spoiling myself, very badly.
First 'crime', I skipped school and went to sing K. That's about my disipline.
Second, I stuffed myself with all the unhealthy food today. Guess what? I swallowed around 2500 cals today (which means I took around 1000 extra, oW MY GOD!) I'm not trying to keep my diet on but hey 2500 is way toooo much and toooo unhealthy don't you agree?
Third, I lied to my dad. I didn't really LIE, but I kept quiet about the skipping school thingy. Feel bad D:

Going back to school tomorrow, how good if I can skip another day xD Told ya I'm spoiling myself :]

Someone actually reads my blog,
Owwww what a big news!

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