Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Em0

I hate my home.
No I should say, I hate my dad.
And my younger sister.

I was feeling really happy at school today, still maintaining the mood when I reached home, until my dad came home. He started making noise babbling about something that he told my SISTER to do but not done. Yup, my sister but not me, so obviously it has got nothing to do with me yeah? Then he started blaiming and complaining bout how irresponsible WE are and stuff like that. May I know why am I included too? Is that my fault that SHE did not complete her responsibility? Then my mum urged me to do that stupid unimportant thing. Fcuk, why must I help her to do it? Isn't it obvious that I hate her so much? However I still helped out because somebody was nagging there already. When I patiently waited for the bloody outdated-slow-motion-and-freezes-anytime PC to load, THEN they said, 'eh no need la, not so safe to send it through email. blablabla."

Dammit? I'm already VERY annoyed and you are telling me this now? !@$%&^% I feel like spamming bad words. Em0 right away and keeping really quiet like I always do at home. Its not that I don't want to talk, but since my F-ing sis got so much to say, let her be! Instead of listening to those lame fake craps, I rather shut my ears with the earphone and enjoy some music. My mum say I'm so cool. So what? I don't want to care. I'm a meanie I know, but this is the way I am, so back off if you can't tolerate with my attitude. I get annoyed by my family easily these days, and you will never know how much I hate my sister especially.

My home just don't feel the same anymore.

I wanna blog bout the happy stuff I had today, but not in this post. This is way too emo. I don't want the happy moments to be 'polluted' by the emo-ness.

And a mosquito just stung me on my knee and its ITCHING like what now. FFFFF-ly off la STOP irritating me before I lose control and spray Ridsect at you madly.
What happened to Windows Live Messenger by the way? I can't sign in!

* Stop trying to show off your English and act like you are Mr. Know-Everything, you are embarrassing yourself. I'm sick of it.
* If it bothers you so badly, get me a bicycle and I will go to school by myself everyday. I'm willing and happy to do so. Especially when it can shut your mouth stop all your nags.

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