Thursday, June 12, 2008


I'm being all lazy even though the holiday is over. Because TIME is very much needed to suit myself to the busy mode again. The homework list seems to be terrificly long already, yet I've got none of them ticked. Salute me, yeah.

I failed to fight for ONE more mark for my BM paper, and that results in a 2A for my BM. Oh well, deal with it. Since long ago my BM suck-ed, so I'm not surprised at all when it always turn out to be the worst ever subject in every exam I have.

Chinese paper will be returned tomorrow. I'm worried, very worried, because that's the MOST whatever-la-I-don't-know-I-don't-care paper I've done. I took the paper like some stupid unimportant test, and I still can't believe I actually did it that way. I'm gonna be punished for my attitude, I know.

Yet I do not want it to ruin my this term's performance. Though it is not expected, but my results for this term turned out to be quite satisfying. Thus I do not want the extra subject I took to be the main cause of disappointment. Or I'll feel disgusted, or even consider dropping it which is VERY not encouraged. I've already dropped EST, no more should be the next.

Never go higher than 1000, I'm warning you.

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