Sunday, June 29, 2008

My own way?

It seems so hard to talk nicely to each other, because you just don't understand what I want. I don't ask for anything from you, all I want is to decide for myself. Its my life, not yours. I know you brought me here, but I do think I'm mature enough to choose my way don't you think so?

I'm 16 now, I'm no longer a baby girl. I don't want to be pampered, I don't want you to decide everything for me. I know very well what am I doing, or else I wouldn't let myself be in it. Don't worry and let me have what I want, please? Nobody knows what's going to happen in the future without trying it, you or me, nobody will ever know. And I'm pretty sure it will not harm to try things out.

Don't anyhow conclude on my attitude because you do not know what am I having in my mind. Judging me from what you see is very unfair. I'm not some alien, no I'm not. I'm just trying to live my own way.

Our life are not the same, time changes everything and I believe you know that too. That's what we called generation gap. Don't try to change me to the way you want nor control my life, never do that. Because the more you try to control me, the more I feel like rebeling. So leave me alone.

Let me be myself, let me choose my way.
Just let me have freedom...

Bye bye

Busy weekends I had.

Saturday, 28 June 2008
Woke up Dragged myself to the toilet around 8 in the morning before I was late to Ping's house. Damn I was SO sleepy because I helped out in the food sale section for yesterday's musical drama. I came back home at around 12am and slept at almost 1am. Imagine how sleeeeepy I was? Especially when I'm a sleepaholic! Quickly showered and breakfast-ed and at last! I was late still, for 15mins, HAHA!

After the seemed-so-endless journey we finally reached Ping's school. Oh yea, her school was having charity bazaar, GZ, SY and me were 'invited' to support her school. We were pleased forced to buy ice cream from her class' stall to show SUPPORT. The whole thing was a lil bored though..

Went back to her house at 1pm. Took shower and changed into her clothes, lol -.- I was cloth-less, HAHA! Then we started taking photos with the lollis we bought in bazaar due to dont-know-how-to-spend-the-coupons, lame reason? We even went to the pool and ACTED like some dumbo for our very own shootings x3

Then, we went to St. Mary at 7pm for the phantom show. Bought lots of sweets and candies before we entered. (shhhh..) Overall the show rocked, Carissa was so real, WeiJean sang SO freaking well, and Michelle was so COOL! Costumes, makeups, actings were all SUPERB! But the only thing to comment on was the sound system. It turned out pretty bad and everyone seemed frustrated with that. After that? Home, supper, sleep.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

I was extremely SLEEPY when somebody woke me up at 7am. I slept at 1am OKAY! Lazily lied and slacked on bed until the clock showed almost 8, only then I blurrrly went to the bathroom and showered. My sis is moving into her hostel in UPM today. Slept in car for the whole journey. We waited for ages only then her registration was all settled. I went around the school compound and snapped thousands of photos. The environment was perfect, peaceful, clean, relaxing, delighting... I love it! Her hostel was OK, an apartment with 4 rooms, 2 students per room. Guess she'll enjoy her life there. =] Left at around 3pm without her. Byee!

Lollis <3 id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5217237624893636466" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">

I simply LOVE this pic!

Acting em0 x3

My sexy back xD or smelly ass? :x Me n WY after the phantom. I look pretty WEIRD!

Forgot to say, I cut my hair and everyone "EHH-WHY-SO-SHORT-ed". Fullstop.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Happily finished my post then checked my tagboard before I go to bed. "YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED.. YOU BETTER DO IT." Oh well, thank you so much Anndrianna! -.- I'm sacrificing my sleeping time for this, thank me!

1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogsand replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulatedby themselves.
2. Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag theperson whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Say bye! And never dream to see me again, HEE!

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Perfect life! [greedy huh xD]

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
I don't kick, I smack.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Check out my wishlist. And some for my parents of course~

5. What's your ideal lover like?
Someone I love, looool.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
The second one

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Will I ?

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Forget bout it!

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Yes, school- skipping today xD

10. What takes you down the fastest?

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
Ask Doraemon.

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
Everyone, it sounds lame but its true.

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
One who laughs alot, hyper, talkactive, way hardworking than I am, looks innocent but her true colour is totally the opposite. HAAA!!

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and rich!

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check the timeeeeee, AM I LATE?!

16. Would you give all in a relationship?

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
The one who loves me more than I love him x3

18. What song are you listening now?
Combination of "vrmmmmmmmm" from the spinning fan in my CPU, "doinkkkkkk" water dripping from the fishtank, and "clack clack clack" typing sound. Is that a song? :]

Who tagged me?

People I tag:
Whoever reads this. Don't hideee I gotcha xD!

Naughty me x3

I'm sooo happy that I skipped school today.

Karaoke rocked! So far its the best karaoke session I've ever had, because I shouted and screamed all I want, and I shared mic with nobody since each of us was having one. Enjoyed it, finally get to hear my own voice from the speaker, lool.
Some advices on going for karaoke. Its always better to go in small group instead of a crowd so that each of you can have a mic. Because when you ask for extra mics obviously they won't give you 6 mics for a room! Unless you rob them for mics -.-
Then, if you are not starving, take drinks instead of food when you have a choice. Believe me, a glass of drink if definitely NOT enough especially when you scream your lungs out there.
For people who fear cold, bring sweater! Or you will end up freezing and trying to jump around for heat. (Like what I did today, urhhhhhh..)
Bring your student card always even if it expired. You will never know how helpful they are in cutting down some extra charges :) Mine worked perfectly today. For the first time, I appreciated my student card, HEHE!

Alright, continue with my own story. Then I made my sis brought me to Connaught pasar malam. I love to go there, don't ask me why cause I do not know xD Simply like the feeling of pasar malams :] Surprisingly we took only around 30mins for the whole big bunch of stalls there? How incredible, I always take around 1 to 2hours just to walk from one end to another, but today urh, different story.

I'm spoiling myself, very badly.
First 'crime', I skipped school and went to sing K. That's about my disipline.
Second, I stuffed myself with all the unhealthy food today. Guess what? I swallowed around 2500 cals today (which means I took around 1000 extra, oW MY GOD!) I'm not trying to keep my diet on but hey 2500 is way toooo much and toooo unhealthy don't you agree?
Third, I lied to my dad. I didn't really LIE, but I kept quiet about the skipping school thingy. Feel bad D:

Going back to school tomorrow, how good if I can skip another day xD Told ya I'm spoiling myself :]

Someone actually reads my blog,
Owwww what a big news!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm skipping school tomorrow, kekekekekeke!!

That's a "FUIYOH!" to people out there I know,
because I'm such a goodie goodie girl xD

Now you know I'm not that innocent after all :]

Yes I know, friendships don't last long.
I'm mourning over a faded friendship which used to mean alot to me.
Losing it is as if losing part of my life, leaving an empty hole in my everyday.
Deep in my heart, I wish it can be regained someday.
I really do.
Because I terribly miss the way we used to be...

Let's get haunted by PHANTOM

Didn't update for few days because I got nothing to blog about.

School? Nah I'm not gonna blog on that because these days going to school is totally a waste of time. Like today, I only had 3 periods with teachers entering out of 9 periods I have today, crap huh? Because of the musical drama that's going to be launched officially on this friday, 27th June, almost every single teacher has nothing in their mind but phantom. Phantom phantom phantom... Including my monitress of the class of course, since she's really the phantom, lol. Hardly see her in school, I think I didn't even get to see her BAG today.

School without teachers sounds fun, it was actually, but not anymore. At first I enjoyed chatting, sleeping, dreaming and stuff like that, but when day goes by, even with friends around, we are out of topic already. Exhausted of stuff to chat man, how pathetic? How could this ever happen? Doesn't make sense right?!

My sister, the second one, received an offer to study Veterinarian course in UPM. She was soooo excited when she first knew about it. And because of this offer, she decided to give up her scholarship to study in Nottingham campus in Malaysia. Oh well, it sounds so not right I know, and I sort of thought that way as well. But she said, being a vet had been her ambition since long ago, because she has so much love and care for animals blablabla.. So, she's moving into hostel on 29 June, which falls on this Sunday.

What the heck right? Why SO FAST?! My eldest sister just left to UK for like not even one month, and now she's leaving too. I feel so lonely, so scared, so empty.. From all the previous posts you can see that I don't get along well with my younger sister nor my dad, and my second sister is the closest one to me. Now she is leaving within one week.. And the course lasts for 5 years! Does that mean I'm only gonna stick to my mum for 5 years?

Can't imagine how bored my life will be in the coming 5 years..

I'll miss them, so so much :(

The official closing day for my long- lasted plan,
with egg tarts and chocolates as witnesses.
Anyhow I wish it will not cause heart attack in the end...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Finally I touched volleyball again! I missed quite alot of volleyball club meeting this year due to exams and some stupid events. The last time I touched the volleyball was.. before mid- term? That's a long, old story so forget bout it! I tried all my best to make my wrists look scary but couldn't get a really satisfying result. HEHE, call me abnormal :] That's the fun playing volleyball!

Then, when I was waiting my mum to fetch me back from school, the weather changed suddenly, from bright sunny day to heavy rain. SO SO heavy that it could be considered as storm, hahaha! People were screaming when the wind blew so strongly and the rain water splashes all around. If I wasn't in my school shoes I would have enjoyed it alot! :]

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How boring could school be?

Another day of school with no gains.

I guess now every teacher's soul and mind are occupied, or should I say haunted by the word "phantom". Like what Mrs Ng said, we can "phantom" around until the end of June. After that, everything will be about STUDY (I can't imagine that.) Maybe I shall enjoy the break while everyone's 'phantom-ing' so that I can tell myself "I ALREADY HAD A BREAK SO STOP SLACKING AROUND AND STUDY!" someday when I got exhausted and stressed for study/ EXAM. That's very very very very important as a "pusher" (is there such word? -.-) to push myself really hard and keep myself to the books since I always fed up easily when it comes to study.

Time is really moving SO fast that I just realised its already mid of June. Meaning that I only have one and a half year left in SMK ST MARY. Sometimes I do feel empty when I this flashes across my mind, because I've no idea about my future at all. No ambition, no plans, nothing.

Is it time for me to start planning for my future?

No idea..

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The fact

I finally realised that being kind and linear to others equals to being cruel and mean to myself.

Because they will NEVER appreciate what you've done for them, in fact they become more self- centered and climb onto your head. So why suffer? I shall be more self- centered and think for nobody else but myself. That's the way.

Blame no one for it. If you people are gonna start bitch-ing, go ahead. I don't care. You have your own way and I'll have mine.

Got my chinese mark today, 77%, acceptable lah, since I didn't put much effort in. My very own report slip is completed at last! 10 subjects with 9A1's 1A2, and an average of 85.6%.

Satisfied :]

Monday, June 16, 2008

My evening

How did I spend my evening today? Let the photos answer your question :]

HEHE, yeah. I spent my WHOLE evening to make these stuff. Funny huh? Wasn't really a torture, don't worry Amanda! I enjoyed a lil bit still, that's when I look at the completed work I've done. Are they cute? xD For me, yes they are! Perasan-ing :P

So what's with the big big board now? I don't know , too huge to be decorated -.-
Ideas needed!

A mother has the ability to make her baby sleep, while a teacher has the ability to make the whole class sleep.

This was told by my teacher today. I'm so happy that they realised this fact, but patheticly I think they ain't gonna make any changes on their way of teaching although they know themselves are boring. Someone please wake them up, or else I won't be able to keep my eyes open anymore!

School and lessons are as usual, not gonna write long story about it. Finally decided to watch the musical drama organised by my school, The Phantom of The Operaaaa! (Jeng jeng jeng jeng~) Because Ping was asking me to go? Whatever, I shall just go and support Carissa! :]

I'm still waiting for my chinese paper. I hope the marks are given to Miss Wong already. If so, MISS WONG PLEASEEE PASS THEM TO ME! Lol, I'm despo already. That's the only subject left! I want it BACK! No matter how bad it is I still want it back, okay. I'm ready to accept it.

Honestly, I doubt it will work. You guys are not some professionals, so stop dreaming and be realistic! :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My head is spinning.

After taking a long nap, finally my stomach is not paining anymore. But my spinning head continued to torture me. Gosh..

To- Do- List

Homework [ X ]
Ideas to decorate the class [ X ]
Pay a visit to the market [ X ]
Some workouts [ X ]

Still the same, and its 4pm already.


Bad Tummy Day

The result of being unconsious of what's going into my stomach yesterday is.. Awake since 7am in the morning (I slept at around 2am yesterday) because my tummy acted as an alarm clock and woke me up by turning itself upside down and making silly, funny noise. I couldn't sleep at all even though I shutted my eyes for so long and tried to ignore the pain. So I decided to get up and pay a visit to the toilet.

I thought the pain will be gone after the poo toxic went out from my body, too bad I took it so wrongly. It became worse. Until now, the pain is still there and I feel like vomitting.

I guess this is what happens when all the food mix-and-match-ed in my stomach. This is REALLY a lesson for me, I shall not eat that way anymore! (Not forgetting the increased-ridiculously reading when I stood on the weighing scale this morning. That's not the main point though. I said ignore it! Once in a while, once in a while... ) T _ T

To- Do- List

Homework [ X ]
Ideas to decorate the class [ X ]
Pay a visit to the market [ X ] (because my stomach was paininggg)
Some workouts [ X ] (copy and paste from the above)

I rock, don't I?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Double celebration! :D

Happy Birthday Mum! <3

And Happy Daddy's Day dad!

The Double Celebration Day falls on today! Yup, mum's birthday and father's day. Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY clear that father's day is tomorrow. So what? Cannot celebrate earlier is it?! Haha. Invited uncle's family to join us for dinner at some restaurant. Then went home and started our second round. Man, I'm BLOATED. Loads of cakes, jellies, eggs, belacan kangkung, fish, tauhu, fried prawn& sotong etc etc went into my stomach without realising it. The calories are definitely way higher than my daily need I'm sure, but ignore it. Once in a while, I promise. I missed my Sugar- high Friday yesterday, so let's have Calories- high Saturday! Enjoy and have a cheat day =] I can have some workout and burn it off someday, yay yay :D (Can't believe I'm actually taking this so easy, haha! Out of my own expectation as well!)

I miss baking.

I wanted to bake my own cake for them, but surprisingly dad came back at 12+ noon today and that totally ruined my plan! At last my sis and I ended up buying a cake from Orange Delight and another from Wendy's. My mum loves American Chocolate Cake, and my dad I believe, likes the Pandan Layer Cake, so we took both of them. By the way, I made key lime jellies (which I always do) and red eggs too! The eggs didn't look perfect but hey, those were considered OK for a first timer! At least they looked like red eggs. Crap, lol!

I took the responbility to be the camera girl throughout the entire party and... I did not appear in any of the photos for the party. Poor thing. That's the camera girl. Sis called back from Liverpool and wished mum happy birthday :D Connection line was terrible though. Sent her plenty of photos after the party ended. That's the reason I'm snapping photos ma! xD

Enjoy some pics!
And a random thought, I LOVE <3 my phone xD

Seen anyone eating cake with chopsticks? There goes my mum!

Inner part of Pandan Layer Cake :D I simply loved the colour!

Before the candles are lighten :D The godly ganache simply cured my crave for CHOCOLATES!

Dogs wanted to join too =.= Look at their despo faces!

. . .

Friday, June 13, 2008

Forensic Heroes II

Blame the Forensic Heroes II for the late post. What a nice show it is.

Today my Chinese class cancelled at last minute, and I did not get back my chinese paper. Fullstop.

The rest? I spent my time on youtube :D

Moving on to the TVB drama, HEHE!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I'm being all lazy even though the holiday is over. Because TIME is very much needed to suit myself to the busy mode again. The homework list seems to be terrificly long already, yet I've got none of them ticked. Salute me, yeah.

I failed to fight for ONE more mark for my BM paper, and that results in a 2A for my BM. Oh well, deal with it. Since long ago my BM suck-ed, so I'm not surprised at all when it always turn out to be the worst ever subject in every exam I have.

Chinese paper will be returned tomorrow. I'm worried, very worried, because that's the MOST whatever-la-I-don't-know-I-don't-care paper I've done. I took the paper like some stupid unimportant test, and I still can't believe I actually did it that way. I'm gonna be punished for my attitude, I know.

Yet I do not want it to ruin my this term's performance. Though it is not expected, but my results for this term turned out to be quite satisfying. Thus I do not want the extra subject I took to be the main cause of disappointment. Or I'll feel disgusted, or even consider dropping it which is VERY not encouraged. I've already dropped EST, no more should be the next.

Never go higher than 1000, I'm warning you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Chocolate Craving

I'm in need of chocolates to cheer me up.

I'm depressed with life without knowing why.

I want chocolates. I'm craving for it.

Yes, desire. I want it sooo badly.

- Drooling -

The Joy

Let everything be happy in this post.

I'm happy!
Because the papers I got back today satisfy me very well. Cheers! :] The results for 3 of the science subjects are around the same. I said I expected something higher for Physics, but I'm happy though it didn't really reach my higher target. Be thankful, I know I should, and I am.

I sound like a jerk when I talk so much about my results, I know. But I can't help it, its me. I said I don't care about the results since its the first exam of form4 and what-so-ever, but deep in my heart I care SO much. And I understand what's the feeling of getting bad results, because I experienced it.

I shall not write long stories about my papers, just in case I hurt someone's feeling. I'm not pointing to anyone anyway, please don't terasa okay!

WARNING: If you don't like emo blogs, kindly skip the next post or stop scrolling down. The post below is a VS to this blog, all in a day!

*Amandaaaaa, so easily you poo-ed the 1kg out. How amazing!

The Em0

I hate my home.
No I should say, I hate my dad.
And my younger sister.

I was feeling really happy at school today, still maintaining the mood when I reached home, until my dad came home. He started making noise babbling about something that he told my SISTER to do but not done. Yup, my sister but not me, so obviously it has got nothing to do with me yeah? Then he started blaiming and complaining bout how irresponsible WE are and stuff like that. May I know why am I included too? Is that my fault that SHE did not complete her responsibility? Then my mum urged me to do that stupid unimportant thing. Fcuk, why must I help her to do it? Isn't it obvious that I hate her so much? However I still helped out because somebody was nagging there already. When I patiently waited for the bloody outdated-slow-motion-and-freezes-anytime PC to load, THEN they said, 'eh no need la, not so safe to send it through email. blablabla."

Dammit? I'm already VERY annoyed and you are telling me this now? !@$%&^% I feel like spamming bad words. Em0 right away and keeping really quiet like I always do at home. Its not that I don't want to talk, but since my F-ing sis got so much to say, let her be! Instead of listening to those lame fake craps, I rather shut my ears with the earphone and enjoy some music. My mum say I'm so cool. So what? I don't want to care. I'm a meanie I know, but this is the way I am, so back off if you can't tolerate with my attitude. I get annoyed by my family easily these days, and you will never know how much I hate my sister especially.

My home just don't feel the same anymore.

I wanna blog bout the happy stuff I had today, but not in this post. This is way too emo. I don't want the happy moments to be 'polluted' by the emo-ness.

And a mosquito just stung me on my knee and its ITCHING like what now. FFFFF-ly off la STOP irritating me before I lose control and spray Ridsect at you madly.
What happened to Windows Live Messenger by the way? I can't sign in!

* Stop trying to show off your English and act like you are Mr. Know-Everything, you are embarrassing yourself. I'm sick of it.
* If it bothers you so badly, get me a bicycle and I will go to school by myself everyday. I'm willing and happy to do so. Especially when it can shut your mouth stop all your nags.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A waste of time

Today's worse than yesterday. I was SO sleeeeepy that I actually ignored my alarm this morning and continued sleeping, HAHA! Luckily my mum came and wake me up, or else I'll be snoring still when its 7am xD

School was b o r i n g No teachers for 2 Bio lessons, then went to library to "read books", then sivik (it equals to free period as well), discussed our paper during BM lesson, half- dreaming when teacher's teaching gradient during Maths lessons and 2 English lessons which teacher only came for the last 15minutes? Eventually I gained nothing today, except my English paper.

Talking bout my English paper, I got em0 right away after I seen my mark. I seriously could NOT bear with my marks. Then I checked my paper and I noticed that I've got not much mistakes there?! And I counted my marks, oh crap teacher counted 10marks less! Phew, though the mark wasn't like FULL marks or something but I'm happy though. That's enough because I know my English is quite broken? Be thankful :]

"According to reports, sit- ups will NOT help to reduce belly fats aka the fats around your stomach because . . . . ."
Read this from the booklet Amanda brought me today. Gosh, thank you for telling me that as I was already planning to do plenty of sit- ups. HEHE! An EXCUSE for me to be lazy xD!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Should I say I'm happy?

Because they said I should be. Why? For getting good results for my mid- term. I.. can't say I'm all satisfied, they were just fine. Maybe I'm just expecting too much from myself.

So far I've got back BM, Add Maths, Sejarah, Moral and PJ (which nobody gives a damn). They are all ranked at A's, 1A and 2A's. I'm not trying to insult anyone here, but I'm not that happy with them cause I know very well that I can do better, if only I worked a lil bit harder. The only subject I'm happy with is sejarah, yeah. Because I told everyone that I'm so gonna flunk my sejarah paper and I really thought so, but it turned out to be a 1A. Well, people might think I'm fake or something, but I seriously did not expect it, okay. Whenever I say I'm scared I really mean it, I'm not faking it out or something. I'm NOT a faker.

Today's morning assembly was so dead, as expected. Well you don't and you can't expect people to be jumping and bouncing around on their very first day after the 2weeks holiday right? Like me, I FORCED myself to get out of my blanket and dragged my feet to the bathroom. Changed into school uniform and felt so uncomfortable. Why must I wear this? And why must I wake up so early to go to somewhere I hate so much? Because I'm a student, durh. Okay okay, I know I'm being lame here so just ignore :]

And yeah, those who threatened to spam and flood my blog, c'mon! I'm NOT afraid, hahaha! I'm waiting and ready to be drowned! xD

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Holidays are gone :(

Today is the last day I can slack around my house, face the computer 24/ 7, lying on bed pigly . . Yeah, because I'm going back to the boring-like-shit schoool. I do remember what my BM teacher assigned us to do, but I just so wanna ignore. Haha, I'll act innocent like most other people will do tomorrow and say, "HUH?! I forgot!" HAHAHA!

Cecilia said that she's going back to school and die, I'm agree! Because urh, we are getting back our mid- term papers? Okay okay. Click, stop on that. Don't think too much about it orelse I'll be em0 xD I just hate mondays, because its after the slacking sunday, and because we have freaking boring and dragging assemby on those days. Oh yea, not forgetting the LKK meetings which make me staying back up to 3.30pm. Now you and I know why I hate mondays!

I wish I could enjoy my last day of holiday and do something, yet I failed :0 All I did was sitting in front of the computer and staring at it blankly Today is a big celebration for some of the chinese out there, the dont-know-what-they-call-in-english 'duan wu' festival. But it feels like nothing for me. Duh, I'm not that traditional.

I was stuck at home for half of the day, so I don't care I'm going to pasar malam later. HAHA, pasar malam sounds pathetic I know. At least I can get out of my home. Boredom kills!

Random pics of my doggiesss x3
Baby despo for FOOD x3

I don't know what happened to her face = ="

Teety is always CUTE!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I hate the WEATHER!

I hate the weather!!! Because of YOU I can't play basketball, argh! Went to AT's house for BBQ party and basketball. The BBQ party was really fun, and I stuffed myself with hotdogs, HAHAHA! We planned to go for basketball after the BBQ, around 10pm, but it was raining SO freaking heavily that we couldn't go.
So we decided to go the next morning. Didn't plan to sleepover there at first, but for the sake of basketball, alright! We woke up at 10am the next day, and we walked allll the way to basketball court under the hot sun. I guess the weather just don't want to let us play basketball. The sun got HOTTER n BRIGHTER. And we end up going for some cold drinks after 30mins -.- Then? Went home. What the heck lah..

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Time to complete my MISSION!

Tagged by Anne Aunt

1) The tag victim has to come out with 8 different points about his/her crush or perfect lover. Whichever applies.
2) Gender... Optional
3) Tag 8 other victims and leave a comment on their blogs.
4) If you're tagged a 2nd time, there is no need to repeat this again.
5) Lastly, HAVE FUN doing it!

My.... crush? =.= What if I don't have one? Fine I'll just write what do I expect, lol.
1. Elder than me, that's a must! (But not TOO old though =.=)
2. Taller than me, at least 17x la~ LMAO!
3. Someone without a bouncing tummyyyyy
4. Educated person, duh -.- Not someone who shoot their saliva around when they talk
5. Love my everything <3
6. Don't be childish!
7. Perfect for me
8. . . . DONT KNOW laaa!

People I tag? As you can see I don't have much links there. Only Amanda, Cecilia, Carissa, Andrianna, Esther & Ping! All above were tagged before except for PING! So... Proudly announcing that Ping you are tagged! Kindly complete you tag ^__^


Monday, June 2, 2008

I <3 Sony Ericsson!


I got my new hand phone finally, HAHA! Had been desperately hunting for one since long ago, and here it comes true!

At first I was aiming for one of the Walkman series, and my first choice was W660i. Decided to get one after trying on Amanda and Cecilia's and thought it was quite okay. Then, when I went around the shops and asked for suggestions, I was told by MOST of the sellers that W660i is quite an old model. (no offence to those who are using it though) They recommended few other new models like K630i, K660i.

I refused to consider any of the K series at first because, I WANTED A WALKMAN PHONE! But then I was told that they have actually the same feature, the only difference is one is without the "W" button. Okayy..

So.. Attracted by 660i of both K and W series. Couldn't make up my mind, felt so indecisive because I liked W for its walkman, but its an old model, and it has lower resolution. K is a much later model and it has better resolution, but its NOT walkman, and I kind of didn't like the keypad. Arghhhh...

My sis was persuading me to get K.
"Take this one la, if not you'll regret for its resolution after u see mine." (she's using a W910i -.-)
"This one newer la, somemore the keypad so special.. W660i everyone aso got ad.."

Owhh okayyy.. Fine, K660i then -.-" Cause I'm falling deeper and deeper for it. EHEEHEHE! Didn't like the keypad but now I think its cool, haha! Got a free HOTLINK number for buying the phone, yay! Good thing since I'm already planning to change to HOTLINK. DxGx sux la okay. Bad line bad coverage, bad service too =X

Brought home my phone happppily and was expecting some "COMMENTS" from my mom. Surprisingly she didn't say much, neither my dad. Wooow! I thought they are gonna nag alot like how they did when my sis bought her phone, hahaha!
Got some good comments from Aman and Ceci. Yayyy! xDD I hope I didn't make a wrong choice =)

Tomorrow its party time! Woo hoo! Gotta go, ciaoz!

p/s: time to diet, AGAIN! I BETTER START!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

First official working exprience

Yup, as title, I finally got my FIRST official working experience today. It wasn't bad at all, in fact I actually enjoyed it, haha! And I got paid for that, RM80! Woo hoo, easy money wehhh..! Worked for "Ge Mei Lia", some famous chinese educational comic for children. Our booth was SO CROWDED with all KIDS.

I met loads of parents today. Overall, they can b categorised into 2 groups. First group is..

"Mummy mummy, I want buy this, this, this and this book!"
"Aiyo buy for what? I thought you have the complete series already?"
"No no, this one different oneee.. This one cannot buy from school one!"
"Dont want la dont want la, so expensive. Take one enough!"

Second type:
"Ah girl go choose go choose see what you want. You want then buy la."
"Mummy I dont want la, this one I read before ad."
"Dont want ah? Then this one le? This one is the latest one, buy la buy la.."

Also, I met parents with THICK skin, and rude children. No offence there, but they were really annoying. Geeeee, don't wanna talk bout them, haha!

Conclusion: I enjoyed my first work and I'm looking forward to more freelancer jobs! xD

The End.