And I am not happy.
Definitely not.
So much work, so much stress, so much complaints and so much injustice...
I am really tired.
I wonder what did I.. No, what did we do that we deserve all these? Why are some people around us, who claimed that they are trying to shape us into better person, being so unreasonable?
She said the improvement is not enough. And because of our not-so-enough improvement, we got a class demerit.
So what is that? We improved, though not drastically, but we deserve a demerit? So encouraging huh? What makes you think that we'll work harder to improve some more when this is what we get for improving?
I did not say that we are very good, okay. But improving takes time, and obviously is done bit by bit. If you expect us to change into some brand new person over a day, that's not an improvement anymore. That's a change instead.
1. | to bring into a more desirable or excellent condition |
2. | to make (land) more useful, profitable, or valuable by enclosure, cultivation, etc. |
3. | to increase the value of (real property) by betterments, as the construction of buildings and sewers. |
4. | to make good use of; turn to account: He improved the stopover by seeing a client with offices there. |
5. | to increase in value, excellence, etc.; become better: The military situation is improving. |
6. | to make improvements, as by revision, addition, or change: None of the younger violinists have been able to improve on his interpretation of that work. |
See that? Improve is defined as become better, not become perfect; become more desirable, not become completely desirable.
And what you said? There's no room for argument in this case. Well yeah, because you're holding the power and us? Nothing but to obey. "You can't say that because its against me." This is what I heard today. Students' right? Nahh, forget about that shit.
Maybe you say, we do have suggestion box and blablabla, but hey, who can guarantee that nobody will be going against us, or picking at us if we really complaint?
Sorry to say, you people are only focusing on all the mistakes and yet you hardly notice or appreciate the good things we've done. Because you think, well it should be that way.. And you ignored it. But once a mistake, there you go.
Well if you compare the merit and demerit marks of ALL classes, you'll see how generous you are in giving demerit marks that some are exceeding 1000marks whereas the highest merit mark in the whole school is only about 100marks. So much of looking-at-the-positive-and-bright-side huh?
Don't deny, adults.
You ate your own words.
I know I'm a little straight forward here but trust me, this is what almost everyone of us feel. If you need comments or feedback to improve your system, this is it. I'm saying it out from the bottom of my heart.
But if you are to penalise me for this, I'm speechless.
well, if u think that school is so unhappy. be prepared to face the worse when youre in working life. Whereas, your source of money is held by someone who u hate and yet you have to face it everyday.
- just a passer by -
Lol yeah, have to agree with that. It happens in school too, but in a different way. You know, testimonials and stuff.. Yeah..
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