Saturday, April 4, 2009


Had been thinking a lot about my future lately.

Nahh, not the my-boyfriend-or-husband-has-to-be-blablabla kind of thing, that's not me. Its about my study and career after high school.

Many of my friends already have an idea or even planned their path after SPM. They know what they want and they've decided which course to persue.

Unlike them, I'm still one of the miserable lost sheeps who failed to figure out a plan for myself.

As time flows bit by bit like a rocket, the fear in me is also expanding.

What am I gonna do after form 5? What if I can't get a suitable course and end up having nothing? What if...

Okok, maybe I'm thinking too much. Stop right there!

Anyway, life is still as crappish. Homeworks are left to deal with the growing procrastination in me. I have to admit that I'm getting worse day by day. I don't even give a damn to open my bag and do my homework after I'm home.

Man.. Wth is wrong with me? Its SPM year, and on top of that, intervensi 2 is starting within 2 weeks+ time. Worst of all, if you ask me what did I learn for Bio this year? My answer would be.... *blank face* I can't even remember what's the first chapter called.

How great right?

I believe I'll screw my test this time, I really do. Unfortunately, nobody seems to agree with me. Fine, we'll see, then you know I'm not a genius or whatever crap but a normal human.

With a lazy mind.

Good night good bye.

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