Monday, June 29, 2009

What should I say?

I'm here to save my blog from dying after so long!

The reason I have not been updating my blog is..
As usual, nothing to blog about. Yup, as pathetic as it may sound, my life is booooring.

Ok now, before I start nagging with my old my-life-is-so-boring, let's take a peek at the latest happenings.

The hottest happening is of course, Micheal Jackson's death. I was in shock when Cecilia told me the news that he died, but that's all. No sad no tears, I felt nothing. Hey hey, don't start criticizing please. I did not live in a Micheal-Jackson-trend environment nor I was a big fan of him, so no, his death did not give me a big impact. However, may you rest in peace MJ.

Next, I think my stuff is playing some sort of hide-and-seek game with me now. I've lost my earrings, my bottle, my pen and my tie. Hell yeah, I've lost my tie. Stuuupid! I only realised it this morning when I had only 10 minutes or so left before leaving to school. Lol, guess this is what happens when you don't get things ready earlier =P I end up going to school with my last year's old tie. Luckily I did not dump it, hehehehe.

Oh yeah, I was late to school today. Not because of the dumb tie of course, not really. I was surprised to find out that many of my classmates were late too, hahahha! And we were pointing at each other, saying hi and laughing out loud in the canteen. Such an coincidence :D

Something happened after the morning assembly which kind of blew our mood off. One of my classmates got 'punished' for some not-so-serious reason, sigh. I don't understand why do certain people like to spoil one's mood :( Poor her.

Oh, I nearly forgot about the war in my class. It was.... Stunning I would say -.- I have not seen much scenes like this other than on TV. Hope things will get better soon.

Guess that's it. I shall not continue anymore cause your eyes are slowly shutting already.
Right? Hehehhee.
So bye!

p/s: Mountain of homeworks to be done T..T

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